The Disease and Its Causes. Stones in the urinary tract are common and are found in both men and women, through rarely before the age of 20. There are different types of stones, each made up of assorted combinations of chemicals ordinarily excreted by the kidneys. It is not known exactly what causes these stones to form, but there are many theories. Some authorities think that patients have an inherited tendency toward the information of stones, while others believe they simply might be the result of common family habits of diet, water intake, and mode of living.
When urine is concentrated it can predispose toward the formation of stones. Patients who do not take enough liquids may promote this condition. Another widely held theory is that stones may result from an abnormal change occurring in the colloid material which is present in the urine - the colloid material normally prevents the chemicals there from grouping together to form stones.
Other possible causes include the effect of vitamin D. When taken in quantity it can cause a heavy concentration of calcium to be excreted in the urine. Certain diseases of the parathyroid gland can act in the same way to form stones.
Gout is a common cause of kidney stones. The high uric acid content of the blood that is secreted into the urine by a gout sufferer will sometimes from uric acid stones.
Prolonged, complete bed rest sets the scene for the formation of kidney stones. It is one of the reasons patients are advised to get up and walk soon after an operation.
Symptoms. Symptoms of urinary stones depend upon their location. And their location and movement determine whether the pain is steady, dull, and aching or excruciatingly sharp.
In about half the cases there is blood in the urine that is visible to the naked eye or under a microscope. However, the absence of blood does not mean there are no stones.
Complications. Prolonged or repeated attacks can cause a kidney to become enlarged and eventually to stop functioning. This can result in blood pressure changes, uremia, or infection. Without adequate drainage, kidney infections are very severe and can result in loss of the kidney.
Prevention. It is important to determine the cause of the stone formation, if possible. Gout patients must be out on a medical program that will keep the uric acid crystals from solidifying into stones. Urinary tract infections should be treated. Any urine flow obstruction with which the patient may have been born must be corrected. Fluid intake should be high to dilute the urine. Weight increase should be avoided. Suitable vitamins must be prescribed. The doctor may take steps to increase the colloid character of the urine.
If a stone forms and does not pass by itself, it must be removed through a cystoscope, if possible, or surgery.
Rully Nugraha.
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