manic-depressive disorder


Bipolar disorder, which was known in the past on behalf of depressive disorder manic manic-depressive disorder, or depression, hysterical manic depression, is a form of depression occurs when the exchange between the periods of deep depression and other periods of hyperactivity and joy is the natural (mania mania)

The patients with bipolar disorder differ from those with other forms of depressive disorders in that mood swings between depression to mania, often with periods of normal mood between these two opposite poles

The disorder usually begins with having a depression in adolescence or early adulthood. And the first phases of mania may not appear until several years later. And vary the length of the session, from a peak of mania to deep depression, from one person to another. And increases the risk of suicidal thinking among the people with the disorder, according to their percentage is up-to-person estimates one out of every four people is thinking of suicide and suicide has already succeeded in one out of every ten people

Genetics play an important role in bipolar disorder. Relatives close to people suffering from bipolar disorder are the most susceptible to infection or some form of depression than other people. Other studies point to environmental factors, such as disruption of family relationships, as a factor of more than aggravate the situation


Bipolar disorder disease runs in the form of regressive cycles. In the parts of a session is found with symptoms of depression. In other parts, he developed mania, elated we find them, they tend to get out and walk, and speakers, and full of energy. And what is not out of control mania, the patient may be highly productive and enjoyable companionship become

As with the exacerbation of obsessive they become unproductive and speak loudly, quickly and without stopping, jumping from idea to another. They need a small amount of sleep has telephone contact with friends at any time. The symptoms appear to have overconfident illusions or exaggerated amounts imagine where the possession of power and wealth

The patients during the manic phase may invest their money foolishly or spend lavishly, and start suddenly in large projects and then quickly abandon them. This Joviality excessive reckless may quickly turn to nervousness, anger and paranoia (persecution complex). And often leads to obsession with alcohol and other drugs excessively and to job loss, bankruptcy, and reckless behavior, and stay away from virtue, and divorce

The developed mania, if not treated, may continue for up to three months. However Khmudh patient enters a period of normal mood and good behavior will continue for weeks or years. In the end the patient enters a depressive phase of the disease

About 10% to 20% of people with the disease entering the Links courses, where they suffer more than four episodes of bipolar disorder in one year. And high chance of heart injury with a future all new episode
Even with treatment, the setback is common. In one study, the average period of the wounded took the drug lithium and continued to eat very sick about 1/21 a week per year, while it is no longer eating an average period of about thirteen weeks per year of severe illness

And symptoms of bipolar disorder is not always easy to distinguish from other symptoms of other cases severe. At its peak, it may be difficult to distinguish mania from schizophrenia
The taking of amphetamines drugs amphetamines or steroids or corticosteroid drugs affected individuals hypothyroidism have symptoms similar to those who walk in the manic phase of bipolar disorder patients

Treatment options

If you or one of those close to you suffering from the symptoms of bipolar disorder, it is in urgent need of medical attention. Person during the period of mania is often not aware of the bizarre behavior and that are in need of medical care. And full evaluation by a psychiatrist is crucial to reach a precise diagnosis, the first steps to reach an appropriate plan for treatment. In some cases, people with a manic phase end makes it difficult to control them, making them a danger to themselves and others, which requires hospitalization against their will

And bipolar disorder is treatable with drugs completely and treatment
Psychological. Lithium and lithium is the most common types of drugs prescribed by doctors. It prevents entry in the process prevents mania and depression, to a lesser extent, although how it works is not known so far

Seventy per cent of those who are taking lithium suffer from bouts of mania fewer and lighter unit. In about twenty percent of people with bipolar disorder, lithium serving on the symptoms completely

However, lithium does not achieve full recovery. Cycle of mood often reappear if treatment is stopped, even after several years of taking the treatment. Should also monitor the lithium treatment, precise control. Vatharh side effects include weight gain, and jerk your hands, and lethargy, excessive thirst and frequent urination

Because lithium may affect the heart or kidneys or thyroid gland, your doctor may be physical examination and blood tests before going to describe to you. The dose is usually increased gradually to begin drug effect and the dose is adjusted periodically. Are examined blood levels of lithium on a regular basis, which does not achieve effective if very low levels, and is dangerous if levels rose in an exaggerated manner

In the early stages of mania, the doctor may recommend taking anti-psychotic drugs, as the lithium takes several weeks to achieve full effectiveness. Some people also need an antidepressant drug to fight depression, eating with lithium to treat mania

May use drugs such as anti-spasm "Aldithalbrooax divalproex" instead of lithium, especially when the mood cycle very quickly. In severe cases, may be recommended to take treatment sessions with electric shocks
The psychotherapy may bring emotional support value of the affected person and his family

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