Laser in Medicine


What is Laser 

Word laser (Laser) English is the first letters of five words 

Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation 

And reinforced by means of light emission radiation urged property. If Vallizrabarh for the light and not the type of radiation is also thought a lot 

Has opened a multi-use laser ample room to eliminate a lot of cosmetic and medical problems and was haunted by the patients and doctors as well as many of the problems that used to take a long time in treatment or they do not treat her. Vastkhaddamat laser may be considered in the beauty of modern uses of the fields have multiplied and have seen a significant expansion in a short period 

Of the modern uses of lasers, especially sapphire laser (Ruby laser) or Laser Alexandrite (Alexandrite laser) is to remove excess hair unwanted and is a laser is the only way which destroys the hair follicle without causing any skin problems and without pain or surgical intervention or hormone where a red laser pulses by rapidly lead to the destruction of hair follicles and without excessive impact on the surrounding skin cells and also without effect on the body generally short or long term. And do not require a meeting of the sapphire laser for more than ten minutes to remove facial hair As for the rest of the body Vtakhadd relatively longer time. And eliminate the laser on each hair follicle, which in the process of full development does not affect the bulbs, which in other stages of growth, so you need the patient to 3-6 sessions is to be eliminated 85-90% of hair follicles and thus not appear again 

Laser is also the most important and the best means of abrasive skin and therefore used to remove scars and surgical treatment and the effects of acne and facial wrinkles surface tension without surgery. As for the wrinkles it is not the role of the laser. There are several types of lasers are used to make a multi-abrasive skin, of the most famous of these species laser carbon (Co2 laser) and Erbium laser (Erb-YAG) laser which leads to the removal of layers of the skin at the discretion of the doctor and according to each case. Happens after that complete healing within 7-10 days after the color of the skin tilted to the red and the redness of the skin vary depending on the type of laser used, as well as skin type. With the laser carbon are redness of the skin a short period (about two weeks) start after browning the skin in excess to the point a little bit about the degree of natural skin and the degree and time of darkening of the skin on skin color as the original holders of darker skin are susceptible to changes in color from white owners. As for the Erbium laser does not have a darkening of the skin and continues to red. These changes will continue for 2-3 months and then end and then back to skin color Tabaayo cleanse the amazing results of the laser 

Finally, the development has been a new type of laser composite of carbon species with Laser Erbium laser and lead to reduce the time and the percentage of redness and darkening of the skin, but due to the excessive price of the system did not yet used widely 

Of applications developed for the laser in the fields of cosmetics also beauty and tighten eyelids and is used where the laser carbon or laser Alneodinyum (Nd-YAG) and is working laser in these cases to reduce the rate of blood loss as well as bruises that appear under the eyes result of a process in the traditional way leading to faster healing and the patient can exercise normal life a few days 

Also uses a laser scalpel surgical alternative to the terms of the proportion of lead to reduce blood loss by more than 50-60%. And uses a laser as well as an alternative to surgical threads, both of the skin or nerves or blood vessels, leading to faster healing of wounds 
The laser of the most important means of removing skin blemishes and birthmarks brown color, such as nevus Unna and freckles and sunspots in that it eliminates colored cells without pain and thus without any anesthesia, both kidneys or topical and sessions ranging from 6-10 in the medium and time from between session and the other from one to two months 
As for the birthmarks or congenital blood associated with varicose veins uses another type of laser works on blood vessels without any effect on other surrounding tissues, which facilitates the elimination of such vessels stretched thus eliminating the birthmark blood 


There are no laser complications if the doctor used by the expert to use it. 

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Information on the laser 

Laser radiation focused light penetrate the skin and hair follicles where these bulbs absorbing 

Convert laser energy into heat weakens the hair follicles without causing any internal complications, and the skin is protected during treatment by the process of cooling the pump effective and soothing to the skin rushes the same speed of light 

This dampening is working to cool and soften the upper layers of the skin of a believer for people more comfortable, helps protect the skin during treatment and at the same time help to deliver greater amounts of light to reach the ends of the follicles to destroy 

The laser decrease the density of the hair after several sessions spaced at intervals The effectiveness of this method on the density of hair in the area to be treated and the degree of hair growth, the more the hair is thicker the better the results and therefore the treatment is effective more in people with black hair or dark brown because it contains a higher proportion of melanin, which absorbs a greater proportion of light 

The owners of blond hair, they need more sessions to reach the desired result, taking into account that the white hair (Shayeb) laser is not affected due to lack of the presence of a pigmentary 
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What you should know about laser 

The latest laser since its inception in the early sixties of the century AD the past medical revolution, where the resulting change attitudes towards many of the diseases of an impossible treatment to possible treatments such as nevus pigment russet Port wine stain, and the treatment when it is used, however, a medical expert leaves no trace of importance 

But what is laser and how it works and what are its properties? 

Characterized by laser Busth effective and which can be a gas or liquid or solid material (for example, Co2 laser with the center of Ghazi, and Ruby laser with a central core, etc. ..) 

Therapeutic Indications and depends on the laser wavelength and laser energy, and on the purpose of use, and the absorbance properties of the tissue to be treated 

Having taken the word of the first laser Laser the following words: Light amplification by the Stimulated emission of radiation 

Any "light amplification by broadcast-induced X-ray" 
What is happening in the laser device in short is that when collide with a photon (particle micro) seed from the middle of the effective cause of transmission of one electron to an orbit farther from the nucleus of the atom, and when the fading impact of the collision because the electron to orbit the original, and lead this return to the starting energy is a photon It represents the last rays of a laser, which have the same wave length of the exciting photon 
Characterized by unique properties of these rays summed up as follows 
 A single color 
 Compact: the sense that it remains the province of the thickness and Tkhanha themselves even after they go a certain distance 
 Maintain the capacity according to time and place 

And causes agglutination and the homogeneity of a laser beam because of its high density of energy can be produced histologic effects of laser light differently depending on the wavelength and energy density, and duration of exposure, and the absorbance properties of the target tissue. 
The properties of other laser: selective (or quality) since each laser there is tissue or multiple tissues affected by the laser are the two types without affecting the others, and causes of this effect for the production of high temperature in the target tissue, and this heat is that gives the laser properties therapeutic, and support the work of laser wavelength, and color texture and size of the target 

For example, there are types of laser targeting hemoglobin associated with the seed of oxygen and thus when its effect on hemoglobin produces high temperatures lead to cracking the blood vessel capillary containing the hemoglobin and thus interruption of blood flow and learned from this property, for example in the treatment of nevus pigment russet Port wine stain, or Expansion of capillary blood vessels 

It is also the properties of laser safety in the event used in place of the body by a physician expert understands the effects of laser-quality tissue is able to protect itself and protect the patient from the effects of laser unwanted 

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Questions and answers about laser treatment 

Question: I have felt over-reasonable for the beard (to some extent about eye) and I want to remove the laser because it caused me great embarrassment, but is not guaranteed in terms of damage to the face of it? Do not go away completely grows later, what are the costs of the material? 
Laser is a good solution to control the hair growth and determine the beard, and laser leads to a decline in hair growth by more than 80% and the results are satisfactory and material costs are determined after the initial detection 

Q: Does the laser cause cancer? 
Short answer no. Lasers are of a long wave and non-ionized and does not have a property to convert normal cells cancerous in theory and even from the scientific point of the laser apparatus is known since 1960 AD and so far there is one case proving that the laser was a cause of cancerous cells 

Q: Is laser hair removal cause skin cancer? 
Lasers are ionized radiation is non-ionizing radiation and this simply does not cause any defect in the DNA bar and therefore does not cause any abnormal growth of cells and do not cause cancer and laser known since 1961 and there is no case of skin cancer because of it so far 

Q: Does the hair go away in one session of laser? 
Hair does not go away from one session of laser, but require several sessions and observes the patient that there are 3 benefits of laser is that the hair is thick, less thick and become wild and black hair at least its color and becomes Amishqr need hair to 2-3 months to grow again 

Question: I noticed increased hair after you remove it Ballizrvhl This is because the laser? 
This question is important because it is possible if you used the laser in some places such as the neck and the hair and ground, the hair does not grow thicker and it grows in length, and this is observed when a certain class of women and believed that the reason is either the type of laser or method of use, and usually are advised not to remove hair If the neck and ground 

Q: my daughter 14 years old and noted the presence of thick hair on her face, do you have a laser works and what is the preferred age of the laser? 
Laser can be used for children who have aged a few months Flaeugd a certain age to prevent the use of laser 

Question: It is true that the laser is not suitable for black skin is made of white skin? 
This is not true all of the studies have shown that the laser is valid for all skin types and even black but you must learn how to use the laser must be reduced in the power of the laser for the skin brown. There are modern devices concerned with brown skin and there are cooling devices were added to fit with the lasers of this type of skin. We must choose the appropriate laser power and appropriate for all skin and this needs to be experienced in dealing with this type of skin 

Question: I am a woman seven months pregnant Is it feasible to use laser hair removal? 
Laser hair removal usually does not exceed the surface layer of the skin, can not hack and never reach the uterus. If hair has been removed from the belly of a pregnant woman, it is allowed and does not constitute any danger to the pregnant woman and often use it for pregnant women do not have any negative impact, thank God. This type of radiation is safe and has no negative effects on women or her fetus 

Question: I have started to grow hair and suddenly I am now 32 years old and I have 3 children do advise using a hair removal? 
The appearance of hair suddenly always raises questions about why it must be asked many questions including Do you cycle regularly and whether the owner of all that itching in the hair of the head and other questions that show whether there is an increase in male hormone Testosterone must be the work of blood test to make sure of that because This may require treatments hormonal counter as well as to the work of light beams of the infected to make sure there are no bags to ovaries and with all of this does not preclude the use of a hair removal because the hormonal treatments by mouth is not sufficient on its own it must be associated with the treatment laser, which usually have effective in reducing the size of strong hair follicles to the point do not respond to male hormones such as this 

Question: What are the complications of the use of a laser hair removal? 
With modern technology and the presence of cooling devices associated with the laser device, the complications have been significantly reduced, but the most important of these complications is the formation of brown pigmentation usually progress and disappear after weeks or months and sometimes may be long. And rarely a lack of pigmentation occurs white areas of this laser, the skin is usually sunny Tanned Skin so always advise against laser work session if the patient had fastens his skin because of sun 
Question: What is the best laser hair removal? 
Difficult to answer such a question, but each uses a type of skin may be the best, but for black skin is better not to use a Ruby Ruby because it's a strong black skin and may cause discoloration. It may be relatively better devices is a wave of class Alalexandraat Alexandrite despite the fact that category as well as diode Diode Ayej Ndyag both proved its effectiveness and its safety for the skin brown. For each category there are many companies producing these devices determines the quality of the best device is the treating physician 

Question: Can a laser to work places face? 
Yes, you can work laser hair removal anywhere in the body such as armpits, hands and legs and other places of the body, and there are places to be treated better than the face. There is no caveats of using laser device in any location in the body 

Q: I'm Her black skin Can I use laser hair removal? 
Yes, there is no objection to the use of laser hair removal for black skin but we have to choose the optimal device and needs to be a doctor experienced in dealing with this skin 

Q: Is laser hair removal painful? 
Usually the pain is mild and the potential, depending on the type of laser device there are devices old painful, but modern devices are equipped with cooling and usually the pain is unbearable and if the patient wishes to remove the pain entirely may be a cream topical anesthetic for half an hour before the work of the laser, but This is rarely the patient Mtalobamn 

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Laser Hair Removal 

Spend millions of men and women around the world countless hours to remove unwanted hair and Atstml on shaving, waxing, chemical means, forceps 

And there is a way of semi-permanent (electrolysis) The burning and destruction of hair follicles, but it takes too long and sometimes painful. 
The laser hair removal treatment means promising. Where the laser beam to send a package of energy to the islands of colored hair follicle where it absorbs these rays, which destroys and suppresses the growth of hair. 
Laser and fits any area of ​​the body suffer from excess hair. Since the laser treats more of the bulb at the same time has become a handle wide open spaces of the body Kalzar, arms, and legs like an easy area above the lip or face. 
Although laser hair removal has become a common and medically acceptable, the results can be different for different people depending on the level of hormones and the type and number of hair follicles. In addition, the natural hair growth is going through three stages: 
The Anagen phase or growth phase of Telogen or data, and the stage of the Catagen a transition phase. During the Anagen phase the hair is sensitive to the laser beam but during the other two phases becomes less responsive. There are different rates of hair anywhere in the body are in the three cases at the same time that it becomes difficult to remove hair permanently in one session, which requires additional meetings 
What are the main benefits of laser hair removal? 

The laser hair removal is an efficient and long-term so as to provide the time and effort compared to the old means. 

How is laser hair removal? 

Initial disclosure: The doctor explained what to expect from laser treatment and the options available and the same procedure and caveats related to it. 

Start of treatment: The cleaning area to be treated and shave before you begin. During the treatment feel Boamadat light on your skin in the process of absorption bulbs to lasers, and lasts all the flash of the laser for a period not exceeding part of the second and covers an area of ​​about half inch square and is found in some laser system for cooling to reduce the temperature of the skin and prevents Thejeh. 

How long does it take treatment? 

Processing time depends on the size and the size of the area to be addressed. A small area such as above the upper lip can take some minutes while others may take the back or legs around the clock. 

Since the laser only affects hair in the growth phase so there will be a need for several sessions. And we will give you dates for subsequent meetings at least a month later where Stbdin by noting that the hair that was in the stage may stay overnight and it began to grow thinner and lighter colors. 

Where are treated? 

Are laser hair removal clinics in leather and there is no unnecessary for hypnosis in the hospital. 

Is there any pain? 
You can expect some pain during simple treatment can be described Kahsas usually burn or sting a simple light and varies from person to person. 

What to expect after treatment? 
Skin color may be tempted immediately after treatment to flush a little as if the light after the Solarium. The doctor will give you generous to calm the skin and in rare cases can show some light scaling in the treated area, but it disappears within a few days. 
You should avoid exposing the treated areas to sunlight note that you can Mswalh your usual. You can wash these areas with soap and water light taking into account the non-use preparations irritating to the skin. Will notice some hair that grows in the treated area within 10 days, which is really the same hair that has been processed, but it falls and you can remove it Palmlqat. 
If your skin tends to tan may have notice that it changes color a bit temporarily. Although most patients feel satisfied after laser hair removal, you may need several sessions to remove hair permanently, in some cases this is not done completely. But even in those cases, the hair less often in treated areas. 

Side effects: 

Laser hair removal a safe and effective in general, but there is potential for some side effects that include skin pigmentation or lightening of the treated areas. These side effects are often temporary and minimized as much as possible, please follow the instructions your physician complete and accurately before and after the procedure. 
Ask your doctor: 
The following questions will help you the best choice for a doctor and a better understanding of laser hair removal. 
Are my expectations for the results reasonable? 
How should I prepare myself for treatment? 
Where are made to take and how much of the time? 
Are there other measures must be taken into consideration to improve the treatment outcome? 
What percentage of patients who have complications got them? 
Can I try laser hair removal on my hands? 
Can I see pictures earlier and later to people who conducted them to this procedure before? 

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What types of laser hair removal? 

Four types: 
Ruby Ruby and its wavelength 690 

One of the oldest and most effective devices, especially for white skin and black hair but it does not suit brown skin because it may cause Tbakat brown. 
2) Alex Alalex and its wavelength 755 

The longest wave of Ruby and effectiveness of his approach. 
Which is less painful than Ruby, more commensurate with the skin brown, but there is a possibility that in some effects if the user is experienced. 

3) Diode 
Diode and the wavelength 800 

One of the modern equipment which also effective approach for your Alalex and is believed to be theoretically less impact than others. 
However, the empirical results showed that close. 
4) Nd-YAG 
And its wavelength 1064 

There are two types of this device, one Ndth long and more than 3 msec and the other Ndth short 10 msec 

Both: a very important and does not cause negative effects, but with a long pulse is more effective may be more painful. 

Indeed, all the lasers are effective and safe if used the right way, so experience are determined by the proportion of negative effects. 

We see the negative effects of the best equipment and the reason is not the device but from the user, and vice versa. 

Therefore, care must be taken to choose the doctor and the center with a long experience in this field to less than the incidence of adverse effects. 

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Help for patients who want to perform laser hair removal 

Before treatment: 
1. Avoid exposure to sunlight 4 6 weeks prior to treatment. 
2. Avoid Alchkir, plucking, waxing, hair removal with electricity 6 weeks before treatment as well. 
3. Please tell your doctor if you have a history of herpes infection, until the doctor gives you medication to prevent it. 

4. May give patients with dark skin useful medicine for several weeks before the start of treatment. 
5. The right area to be treated 1-2 days prior to the laser. 
6. Avoid nailing the skin before laser treatment for 6 weeks at least. 

After treatment: 
1. There may be a mild degree of redness after laser treatment. 
2. Usually put cold compresses for 5 10 minutes to relieve pain and irritation. 
3. Can be placed after the cortisone cream from cold compresses for 2 days only.
4. Allowed to shower after the laser, but it should be pleasant and without scratching. 
5. Cosmetics can be used the next day for a laser. 
6. After about 5 15 Days of laser hair removal dark hair will appear on the surface of the skin and this is the hair that has been processed and no new hair growth and may be removed without any little resistance wipe with water and towel, for example. 
7. Do not forget solar application of a condom frequently and for a period of several months. 
8. Can give some patients bleaching creams for the skin between the laser sessions. 
9. Remember that you should avoid plucking, Alchkir, electric hair removal and wax until the next meeting. 


False information about laser hair removal 

1. Laser causes cancer of the skin. 
2. Laser is not used for pregnant women. 
3. Laser removes hair 100%. 
4. Laser is very, very painful. 

5. The patient needs one session to get rid of the hair completely. 
6. Laser hair is good for White. 
7. Laser is not used for the skin brown. 
8. Laser causes the blockage of sweat glands. 
9. Laser leads to Angmad hair and its growth into the skin. 

Remember false information as 


Treatment of capillaries (spider veins), laser 

The capillaries are those small veins under the skin, which consists of points and diverge into a form that resembles a spider web. 
It can also be formed in separate lines or take the form of a complex web or a tree trunk. May appear in any area of ​​the body including the face, thighs, (duck), the ankle. 

Although the reasons for its appearance is not known, it is associated with an abnormal flow of blood in the vein of the injured. 

And helps its appearance and development of anything could put pressure, such as overweight or stand up and sit down for a long time. 

Capillaries appear mostly in women during pregnancy and there are some factors that help also formed such as medications that affect hormones, such as the pill, and also progress in life, and the presence of a genetic history of the family. 
There may be some relationship between the spider veins that appear on the face and nose and is often the color red (or pink) and overexposure to the sun. 

Are often treated spider veins in the areas of the body, by intravenous injection, but the spider veins on the face are small and close to the outer surface of the skin, therefore, prefer to laser treatment. 

If you are considering a laser treatment, here's some information that you may find useful and which will be presented to explain the method of treatment. 

What are the major benefits of laser treatment? 

This treatment is to target and destroy the red spider veins, which are often close to the outer surface of the skin without damaging surrounding tissue in the region. 
This procedure is relatively fast, and does not require anesthesia, and after treatment the skin is closer to natural color. 

What will happen at the initial consultation? 

Consultant will advise in the skin derma clinics would like to change that caused the appearance, and treatment methods available to you and will explain how the procedure and its risks and its impacts. 
The doctor will do the necessary tests, it is possible to take photographs of the area to be treated, and will give you instructions to follow prior to treatment. 
The doctor will decide if laser treatment is right for you or others. 
This decision often depends on the type and color of the skin, since the laser can affect the color of the skin, the dark-skinned. 
You should tell your doctor if you made the process of the face before, or if you are subject to any kind of treatment or medicines. Should also be informed about any allergies from foods or medicines, or weather, or if you have been a large amount of radiation or any existence of any unusual scars or if you have been the appearance of some grains or blisters around the mouth, such as herpes. 

You should also tell your doctor if you have conducted any surgery of the face, or if you smoke, or are under any kind of treatment, including aspirin. 
Then to exploit this opportunity to ask the doctor any questions about this action or to see pictures of patients before and after treatment, in addition to the risks and side effects. 

How does the laser treatment of spider veins? 

Initially the doctor will clean the face to remove oils from the face, then intense rays from the laser will penetrate the skin to remove surface blood vessels. 
There is a possibility to test several doses of the laser in very small amounts on the skin, in this case will be back in a few days or a week to determine the appropriate dose and used for treatment. 

Is cooled region during the laser treatment session, and in conjunction with the release of radiation to prevent any risk to the skin and relieve pain, it is possible to hear a voice, or that the smoke smell and after treatment the area will cover an antibiotic cream to reduce the risk of any infection. 

How long does the treatment of time? 

Duration varies from case to case, depending on the size of the treated area, and are usually between 15 minutes to one hour. Are often held several therapy sessions, and there is no need to enter the hospital to hold them. 

How much pain associated with treatment? 

Could feel some minor burns or tingling when the laser is a collision skin, and in any case, the amount of pain is very simple and requires no anesthesia. 

What should I expect after treatment? 

Likely to be exposed to some light redness or swelling in the treated area, which will disappear within days after treatment. 
Will turn the color purple in the veins, which will lead also to some small scars, disappear gradually over 5-10 days. The bags are advised to use ice to reduce swelling. 

What are the results of this process? 

Although the laser removal of spider veins will not necessarily lead to the removal of all defects in the skin, but most of them were happy this treatment of its findings. 
It is very important to realize that laser treatment will not remove the factors of age, or prevent the emergence of new veins. 

Other important information: 

In some cases laser treatment in conjunction with treatment by injection and the doctor will determine the area to be treated, depth and other factors help to choose the appropriate method of treatment. 

Risks and effects: 

Change temporary or semi temporary lead to lighten the color of the skin is possible to show Alyalmntqh treatment. And also possible that the skin becomes temporarily dark immediately after the operation and that can be handled. 


Laser treatment of tattoos 

Can be defined simply as the tattoo is the presence of particles of a substance into the skin be of a certain color and placed in a certain scene to give a particular patient as he wants. 

It can get rid of tattoos using lasers, as there are types of laser tattoo can be treated but not qualitative, such as CO2 laser, which can remove tattoos by removing layers of skin containing the tattoo, and then so it leaves a scar. 

It also can remove the tattoo through the property of selectivity where each laser is directed to a particular goal, and through the use of lasers oriented pigmentation of one pulse is very short, such as lasers, called Q-switched, such as laser-Ruby and Alalexandraat and the ND: YAG where the laser beam hash Tattoo molecules making it easier to process ingested by white blood cells. 

And adopt the final outcome of treatment on the type of tattoo, and color, and depth, and number of meetings, and should not be believed the patient that the tattoo will disappear completely, as the tattoo updated by amateur easier to remove than that induced by the professionals, may also leave the laser after the termination of sessions a little lack of pigmentation in the place of the tattoo. 


Laser Peel 

As is well known how the negative effects of gravity on the skin in addition to the effect caused by UV rays of the sun on the skin private parts exposed to the sun such as the face and hands. As well as the failure of the effects of acne scars and skin spots and clear. 

Advantage of the laser for other methods that give better results as the output here that the pain is less bleeding on the skin surface is less. Overall, the patient's expectations of the results of the laser must be realistic and should not be expected to change the magic of a patient for the skin. Of course, the laser will happen to a significant improvement to the appearance of skin and skin Valendbat meandering and deep skin will turn for the better but it will not go away permanently. 

The final outcome of laser skin resurfacing depends on several factors such as size, shape and position of scars and bumps, as well as the patient's age, genetic factor and the general condition of the skin effect in consequence of which will get it. 

Only the condition of the skin may have the physician to advise the patient using the treatment of skin prior to the laser for a period ranging from two to six weeks as a kind of preparation for the laser and to reduce the likelihood of side effects such as Altbakat and infections that would leave scars are difficult to treat. 

The process of peeling the skin in most cases under local anesthesia and sometimes we may need to give a sedative injection, except that in some cases, with some patients prefer to perform the operation under general anesthesia. 

The process of laser skin resurfacing is one of the processes that are considered safe if you choose the best doctor patient appropriate for this kind of treatment, one of the processes that achieve tangible results remain raised for a long time.

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