Gonads are members of the two functions produces sex cells (Germ Cells) and reproductive hormones (Sex Hormones).
There is a close relationship between these two functions, topical focus of the high reproductive hormones necessary for the production of germ cells.
Ovaries produce eggs and hormones estrogen (Estrogens) and progesterone (Progesterone),
Produces testicular sperm and hormones Alteststeron (Testosterone) and also secrete the reproductive hormones to varying degrees of Adrenal (Suprarenal Gland) and secrete gonadal hormones under the influence functional and organizational each of the pituitary gland (Pituitary) and Alhaaboethelams (Hypothalamus) and works of these hormones at the level of the nucleus (Nuclear Level).
Normal function of the genital glands is reproduction and thus to preserve the species.
(1) male hormones:
(A) Alteststeron hormone (Testosterone):
Testosterone of male hormones, and secreted this hormone from the testicles and is also small amounts of the adrenal gland and turns of this hormone in peripheral tissues to the Dey Hedrutistostiron (Dihydrotestosterone - DHT), which is is the active hormone Alteststeron, and are controlling the secretion of male hormones mentioned above by the pituitary gland norepinephrine hormone (LH).
Effects by the hormone Alteststeron:
Of the most important difference between men's and young child, as the hormone (Testosterone) is responsible for the appearance of sexual characteristics, primary and secondary education in adult men.
It is intended qualities sexual initial "genitals" growth and completeness Aladaa's sexual men, and the concomitant emergence of qualities secondary a deepening of the voice, and the appearance of hair in different places of the body, the evolution of the throat, and muscle, and the growth and maturation of the skeleton in the body, and is a complete appearance qualities secondary evidence the completion of the initial sexual characteristics "penis."
It also has a role in the marked skin with the internal organs in the body do not respond to the hormone, there are some humans are not affected by this Alrmon such Almnjulaa and North America and the reason for this lack of response to target cells to the hormone, although excreted and he was at the required level,
It also has a role in bone growth, which distinguishes the male from the female pelvis, where the young man while the woman is characterized as large as the basin, and have broad shoulders in men.
The boat builders Alteststeron helps in the growth of (Genesis) proteins and affects the balance of the salts, and uses the hormone testosterone in the treatment of cancer (eg breast cancer), and vehicles that are manufactured in the treatment of breast cancer when Alsina is a compound methyl Tistieron.
Vary the proportion of Alteststeron hormone in human blood according to age group.
And also differ in males than in females as follows:
In adult males 9-38 nmol / l.
Adult females in the 0.35 - 3.8 nmol / L (from the adrenal gland).
In male infants less than 3.5 nmol / l.
Females in children less than 1.4 (from the adrenal gland).
Note: increasing the level of the hormone testosterone in the blood leads to a lack of secretion of hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland.
Increase testosterone in the normal case:
Long-acting testosterone medication (as desired).
Tumors of the testis to secrete testosterone.
Tumors of the adrenal gland to secrete the hormone.
Sixtieth disease - to Fanthal (Stein - Levinthal Syndrome).
Low testosterone level in the following cases:
Therapeutics estrogen in men.
Klinfeltr disease (Kleinflter Syndrome).
Cirrhosis of the liver sometimes.
Hypopituitrism destruction.
(2) female hormones (Female Sex Hormones):
(A) estrogen (Estrogens):
Is secretion of estrogen by the pituitary gland under the affected hormone (LH) and (FSH) and there is a family of hormones, estrogen in different tissues, but the hormone President that comes out of the ovary is estradiol (Estradiol), and estrogen is responsible for the growth and functions of the female genitals which is responsible also facilitate the process of Pollination and prepare the uterus for pregnancy, and these hormones play a key role in determining the characteristics and behavior of females and also have a minor role in the synthesis of proteins, as well as to increase the concentration of calcium in the blood.
And the level of the hormone estradiol (Estradiol) in the blood as follows:
In females (the first half of the menstrual cycle (Follicular Phases) is 70-440 Bakromul / l.
In females (the second half of the menstrual cycle (Luteal Phases) is 220 to 620 Bakromul / l.
During the last months of pregnancy 20.000 - 130.000 Bakromul / l.
In males from 70 to 330 Bakromul / L (from the terminal and transfers the adrenal gland).
In children up to 70 Bakromul / l.
Note: Increasing the level of the hormone estradiol (Estradiol) in the blood to lack the level of hormone (FSH) and to increase the level of hormone (LH).
(B) the hormone progesterone (Progesterone):
Secretes the hormone progesterone in a particular part of the ovary called the corpus luteum (Corpus Luteum), during the second half of the menstrual cycle (to be completed during the oocytes in the ovary),
Hormone progesterone is important in the preparation of the uterus and prepare them for transplant eggs and that supply blood to the lining of the uterus, making it ready for the installation of the fertilized egg and maintains the hormone progesterone also on the pregnancy and will invalidate the hormone progesterone, the hormone estrogen in certain tissues such as the vagina and cervix Lean, where he works to prevent the laying of eggs in the ovary, it also is important in the organization of the menstrual cycle in females.
And the level of the hormone progesterone is as follows:
In females (the first half of the menstrual cycle) 0.8 -6.4 nmol / l.
In females (the second half of the menstrual cycle), 8-80 nmol / l.
Lower in males from 3.18 nmol / L (from the adrenal gland).
Children in the 0.95 - 1.2 nmol / l.
During the last months of pregnancy, 243 - 1166 nmol / l.
Note: increasing the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood leads to decreasing the level of hormone (LH).
(C) hormone-oriented chorionic Alguend (HCG) or (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin):
The analysis of the pregnancy test (Pregnancy Test) of the most important means of diagnosis of early pregnancy and the idea is simple, where depends on the secretion of the hormone-oriented chorionic Alguend (HCG) in the urine of a pregnant woman.
Are gradually increasing this secretion during pregnancy, reaching its peak in the tenth week, and then return to the landing to reach a constant level after the fifteenth week and the end of pregnancy.
Vary the sensitivity of this test, where it can be detectable for pregnancy after 3 days of the date of the absence of last menstruation, but less sensitive test must pass at least 14 days from the date the absence of last menstrual period.
And taken into account when a pregnancy test the following:
Preferably morning urine (where a more focused), especially in the first 15 days.
Must not contain urine protein or blood (so as not to give a false positive test result).
According to the quantification of the hormone (HCG) in the following cases:
Following the course of pregnancy.
In the diagnosis of cases of abortion (Abortion), such as imminent abortion (Imminent Abortion) or incomplete abortion (Incomplete Abortion) or inevitable abortion (Inevitable Abortion), and in all cases, lower level (HCG) may become a negative pregnancy test.
Diagnosis and follow-up pregnancy cluster (Vesicular Mole), where rises gradually level (HCG) to very high levels (higher than the level of the beginning of pregnancy) and after unloading pregnancy cluster of about 14 days due to the normal level and if not returned to normal level should doubt the appearance of tumor placental ( Chorioepithelioma).
In the diagnosis and follow-up to the emergence of placental tumor is indicated by the very high levels of (HCG) and return to a normal level evidence of healing.
Increase the level of the hormone (HCG) in the following cases:
Testicular tumors (10%).
Multiple twins.
Lower level of the hormone (HCG) in the following cases:
Inevitable abortion.
Ectopic pregnancy.
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