Disease Allhmonah (disease Aserkoideh), is a disease that can cause inflammation in any organ almost, but it mostly affects the lungs and eyes and skin, liver, and glands, lymphatic, as accumulating immune system cells, especially the type of so-called T cells Alhath - Help different organs and cause inflammation
Blocks consist of minute distinct cells, called granulosa tumor Allhmonah in the course of the inflammation process. They are not harmful in itself, but because of its location (in the lining of the lungs and the eyes, for example) or because of their size can cause significant health problems
Allhmonah cause disease is unknown, and the disease affects one in 5000 to almost 10,000 people in the United States, and women are more susceptible to infection than men, and blacks are more likely more than ten times of infection than whites
Many of the patients Allhmonah do not suffer from any symptoms, but if there are symptoms, they usually begin between the ages of twenty and forty may be slight or severe. It is also highly heterogeneous due to the intensity difference or diversity of members that can be involved
And Allhmonah, such as a disease that causes inflammation in the body, can cause symptoms such as fatigue and general weakness and muscle pain and swollen glands and fever Alimfah and loss of appetite and weight loss, and in addition to this, spoke concerning symptoms member get sick
Infected lungs in about 90% of patients Allhmonah, which leads to a palace in psychology and wheezing chest and dry cough as symptoms are common, and can be shortness of breath severe to the degree that severely limit the ability to exercise normal activities, but may become life-threatening, requiring an transplantation of the lung
Some patients suffer pain in the joints due to arthritis, skin disease if infected, it can result in a painful red nodules (called erythema Streptococcus Erythema Nodosum), and purple patches of scaly skin or blisters and bags are similar to acne
If you hit Allhmonah eyes, they can cause a lack of clarity of vision and tearing eyes, sensitivity to light, if not addressed, there may be loss of sight, can get some nerves the individual, especially the nerves of the head, leading to the fall of the eyelid or weakness on one side of the face , or other symptoms
Treatment options
Because many patients do not suffer Allhmonah symptoms, the disease is diagnosed, sometimes by accident. For example, you may hold X-ray examination for another reason discovers the presence of disease in the lungs or in the lymphatic glands near one of the lungs
Because the initial symptoms are usually not clear, the diagnosis of disease Allhmonah can be exciting for doubt, as it can be confused and told him he was diagnosed error on one of the other cases, such as cancer or infectious disease Caldrn
Sometimes blood tests reveal the presence of levels above the normal of calcium or angiotensin-converting enzyme. The best test is to take a sample of lung tissue for examination, using the popular telescope or taking a sample of skin or of the lymphatic glands swollen
Allhmonah many cases not be very much require treatment. The doctor will assess the situation on a regular basis to know whether or not the disease intensifies. Useful tests include a chest X-ray or pulmonary function tests, or tests the eyes
Begin treatment often indicate when the X-ray X-chest and pulmonary function tests to the disease intensifies and impedes the ability of the lungs to get oxygen, may require the matter to the treatment if you suffer inflammation continues for an eye or a severe disease of the joints, or skin conditions painful or distorted or deteriorated in the functions of the nerves
When the need for treatment, the steroid drugs usually control the infection, most patients can liv
e a good condition despite the presence of disease Allhmonah when they use these drugs. Most patients recover fully Allhamanyh within two years, there is no way to predict the general who healed forever or those who relapse will develop or worsen his condition steadily (which does not happen very often when you apply the prevailing therapeutic means)
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