

Debris or hardened skin scleroderma means stiff or rigid. This disease of autoimmune diseases as causes hardening of the skin and stiff due to the large production of collagen, a protein which (when he was a normal quantities) gives the skin its durability and flexibility. Occurs in some patients also damage internal organs.

If the skin injury and widespread body as a result of excessive production of collagen, the disease then called systemic sclerosis or metastatic Alkhozb intransigent. And affects one in every two thousand people around, and affects women more than three times the rate for men, and affects blacks Oktherhma affects whites.


There are two main types of debris uncompromising: limited and diffuse

Alkhozb uncompromising limited

Makes the skin shiny and uncomfortably tight on the face and fingers. As it happens very atrophy of the sweat glands and hair follicles in the affected areas IOS skin is dry and almost hairless. Alkhozb rigid Limited is improving in some cases automatically. He is accompanied in almost all cases the so-called Raynaud's phenomenon is a painful condition where there is narrowing of the blood flow in the hands and feet, making it sensitive to heat and cold
Alkhozb diffuse sclerotic

Is the most serious kind, affecting one or more of the major internal organs (such as arteries, kidneys, and lungs) in addition to the skin. Raynaud's phenomenon and are found almost in all cases, and can produce life-threatening complications

Alkhozb uncompromising when it affects the blood vessels of the kidneys, it can cause a very big increase in blood pressure and kidney damage. The respiratory problems that are common in the case of rigid Alkhozb exclusively caused widespread esteem and increase susceptibility to pneumonia

Often occur stomach and intestinal disorders such as severe heartburn, bloating and diarrhea or constipation. May also occur because of difficulty in swallowing cirrhosis of the esophagus

Treatment options

Alkhozb sclerotic disease is a condition that can be dangerous, so you need medical attention to document.
The changes that occur in the skin in addition to the characteristic symptoms, often make the diagnosis clear
In some cases, blood tests are used. Are also taken from the skin sample to be tested to confirm the diagnosis
Doctors use specialized methods to control the symptoms of the disease is relatively minor Alkhozb rigid, for example, help eating small meals to reduce gastrointestinal problems, and can help take drugs to expand the arteries to relieve Raynaud's phenomenon.

If the disease is more severe (for example, if you start Tsaban Balichoh hands or if the internal organs has suffered severe damage due to Alngz growing tissue) may help drug penicillamine to prevent further damage to the skin and Thickening members in some people. The steroid drugs can reduce swelling, but it does not slow down the progression of the disease in general

Patients who were not affected by their internal organs in the first few years after the diagnosis is usually the type of the disease, which is the type they suffer less severe. About 3% of patients Alkhozb rigid die prematurely

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