Tips to get rid of eye rednes


Do you suffer from the large number of red lines in Bouapad your eyes? If you suffer from it. Here's what you can do

Protect your eyes from the drought

Although it is self-evident, except that if the redness of your eyes caused by not getting enough sleep, try to get a measure of comfort, that closing your eyes for a period ranging between seven and eight hours working on the re-wetting your eyes, they are subjected to dehydration if not reflects the rights and result in dry eye redness.

Treat your eyes eyelids

If your eyes when you wake up Hmrautin of sleep, the problem may be Bjffinek and not your eyes. This condition is called inflammation of the eyelids, a simple infection affecting the eyelids, and you can treat wash your eyelids with warm water in the evening before going to bed, and make sure you clean the eyelids to get rid of all bacteria and oils, cosmetics and cobalt outstanding Balohadab

Look for a sign of aging red

There is a spot of blood in the whites of your eye, and you can not remember or know the cause, there is no swelling or pain or loss of vision or anything, if you suffer from this condition So be assured. It is a common condition occurring, especially if they exceed the age of forty, and this spot will go away on its own, it is not something you can do it, Vqtarat eye will not help her with anything and will disappear on its own within a week or two weeks
But it is different if you notice blood covering human eye. At any time you find blood in your eyes - above human eye - this is dangerous and you need to consult a doctor immediately

Many times, you can not actually see the bleeding, but you will feel pain in your eyes and suffer from lack of clarity of vision and the appearance of a pink cloud
If you have a back of these symptoms, you should note that there are injured and you need to consult a medical

Reduce your use of the drops

Containing drops designed to reduce redness on the material works to constriction of blood vessels, remove it to reduce the redness of blood vessels inside your eyes, which makes the whites of your eyes back to its natural color temporarily.
Most of these types of drops have the opposite effect Vizul effect within two hours, and the problem is that the redness is due to worse than it was in the beginning. Best Tip: Reduce your use of eye drops

Use artificial tears

Do you go to work and bright eyes, red eyes back? If you suffer from it. The redness of the eye during the day cause dry eye
If you suffer from this condition, you can use artificial tears without the need for a prescription that a doctor and to moisturize your eyes, and unlike other types of drops, the artificial tears do not cause constriction of blood vessels

Wet your eyes

Use wet compresses with cold water and put it on your eyes after Igmadha. Compress the cold will constrict blood vessels without causing adverse effects, in addition to that the water will increase the moisture of your eyes

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